"Serumpun tulisan anak dagang yang tak kekal hidup di dunia ini tapi dia tahu tulisan itu akan kekal biar pabila dia sudah tiada."

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

ASK BROTHER SHAH : Worship In Islam

Question :
One frequently asked question on Islam is why Muslims worship God (ie, perform Solat) as they do, and no other way. If there is freedom in Islam, then surely, there should be freedom in how one would like to worship God?

Answer :
In the previous issue of The Criteria, in answering the question regarding the terms Islam and Muslims, I quoted the Qur'anic verses:

"This day have I perfected your Religion for you, completed My favour upon you, and have chosen for you ISLAM as your religion." (Qur'an 5:3)
"If anyone desires a religion other than ISLAM, never will it be accepted of him." (Qur'an 3:85)
 Further, it was explained that a Muslim, is one who truly and believes in, submits to and obeys the one and truly God, and that it was important for all creations - human beings included, to obey the Creator, in order that there be order, peace and tranquility in both spiritual sense and physical reality. When and where we, human beings, do not obey the Creator, there have been and will always be chaos, confusion and destruction - within ourselves and externally. Today for example, we see environmental destructions all around us, to the point of dangerously undermining the delicate balance in Nature upon which our own continued existence depends. Why? Mainly because we have no been sensitive to and obeying God's command that we should avoid excesses and excessive living styles, and as God Himself puts it 'not cause damage on earth'. 

Indeed, the concept of believing the God, obeying and WORSHIPPING Him are very closely linked. In fact, belief and obedience are necessary prerequisites and preconditions to worship. In other words, there is no worship without belief and obedience. In Islam, one must ONLY worship the one true God; and worship Him the way He wants to be worshipped, NOT the way one thinks God ought to be worshipped. Note the we are talking about worshipping God, no appreciating or 'experiencing' God as some may put it, which can of course be in endless way. Insisting on 'worshipping' God in ways other than that which God Himself has prescribed, is in fact an act of disobedience in itself! Obviously, such act of 'worship' is a non-starter from the outset.

By the way, God does not all "need" anyone to worship Him. He is 'self-standing', 'self-sufficient', perfect in every aspect. He tells us in the Qur'an that even if none in the whole universe worships Him, His 'throne' is not diminished even by a microscopic amount, and if everyone and everything in the universe do worship Him, His 'throne' is not increased by any similar amount. The benefits of worshipping God are all for the worshipper and his/her/its surroundings.

So how does Almighty God want us to worship Him? In Islam, the specific act of worshipping or 'praying' to the one true God is termed SOLAT. "Prostration" being central to Solat is mentioned in many of the verses, such as the one below which indicated in the strongest manner the 'universality' of the act of prostrating, hence of Solat:
"Whatever beings there are in the heavens and the earth do prostrate themselves to God..." (Qur'an 13:15)
The five canonical and therefore obligatory Solat (dawn, afternoon, evening, sunset, night) in the Qur'an are mentioned in the following verses:
"And establish regular prayers at the two ends of the day and at the approaches of the night..." (Qur'an 11:114)

"Establish regular prayers at the sun's decline till the darkness of the night, and the morning prayer and reading for they carry their testimony." (Qur'an 17:78)
"...celebrate the praises of thy Lord before the rising of the sun and before it's setting; yea, celebrate them for part of the hours of the night, and at the sides of the day; that thou mayest have (spiritual) joy." (Qur'an 20:130)

Prophet Muhammad (s.a.w) has fully demonstrated the exact way to spiritually and physically perform Solat, as hic clear instruction to all Muslim is: "Pray as you see me pray". This spiritual, intellectual and physical aspects of Solat are extremely well established among Muslims, today. Its tremendous benefits to the individuals and the society as a whole are exemplary, without shadow of doubt. 

Needles to say, ALL the great Prophets of God (starting from the first man and the first Prophet - Adam, all the way through Noah, Abraham, Moses, Jesus, to Prophet Muhammad - peace and blessings of Allah be upon them all) ware Muslim, the Religion they preached was Islam, and the all performed Solat he way all Muslims do today.

Note from Kira : This article was taken from a book entitled "Ask Brother Shah" written by  Shah Kirit bin Kakulal Govindji. This book is a compilation of his “Ask Brother Shah” articles in the now defunct Criteria weekly newspaper. Please buy one to support Malaysia's local book. More information about this book from Khairul H. at http://themalaysianreader.com/2010/03/10/45/

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